The ancient Indian rishis were scientists of spirituality, consciousness and Nature. Their acumen into the deepest depth of human mind had enabled them to develop a perfect science of systematic refinement and escalation of intrinsic faith and inherent tendencies of human self. They had developed the system of shodash sanskaras – sixteen sacraments
The combination of powerful mantras and procedures of yagya associated with each of these rituals had resulted from long-term dedicated research conducted by the rishis.
Sanskrit Description
Word Sanskaar = Sam + Kran + Ghan
Meaning : To construct in well defined manner
According to Shashtra
Rigved : Rigved is the first to use sanskaar where it is used for Purity & Sacredness.
Sanskaar prakash : Required qualities in Body and Soul can be fulfilled by following process explained in shastra known as sanskaar.
Medini Kosh : Effort + Experience + Mental Action = Sanskaar
Shathpath Brahmin / Chandyog Upnishad : Sanskaar is Cleanliness and Purity
Jamini Mimansa : For Brightening.
Since then onwards the word Sanskaar is used with full of Meaning & Science.